About Jellybeanclub.webnode.com

Ahh, nothing like a good ol' place to relax. Jellybeanclub.webnode.com is a place where you can talk about school, and other places. You can discuss freinds, and drawings, send in a picture of something you drew, and we will put it in the Fan Art section. Just sit down and relax, go visit more of my websites too!




Have fun!



History of project

I just want to say thanks to everyone who gave me the idea of the jelly bean club! Some special members will be put in the Our Users part. Thank you so much. Look for your name on the Our Users list!!!


Our users

I just want to say Thanks to everyone who helped. Look for your username below!

Part of this goes to a guy in my class, he was the first one interested in my site, he currently has a site too, the link is www.tedfordgames.jimdo.com! Thank you Alex!